The Greenville Area Development Corporation is tasked with providing comprehensive resources to further the economic growth of our area. Since its funding in 2001, their efforts resulted in creation of over 23,000 new jobs and more than $4Billion in Capital investment in Greenville, County.
The 2016 4th quarter indicators report shows an amazing $429 Million Dollars invested in Greenville 2016. Investments from new companies moving to Greenville and current companies reinvesting in growth here. From the report 11 out of the 26 companies are new companies. This is 42% growth from new companies moving here! This is a testimony to the economic development corporation in creating an environment for companies to realize Greenville area is more than suitable for their needs today and will be in the future. A major catalyst for growth in real estate values is because of these corporations. I am so thankful that we have created a business friendly environment that will continue to attract both large and small corporations from around the globe to call Greenville, SC home for them.
“The growth of industry in South Carolina, and the growth of manufacturing in particular, can be cited as an underlying reason for the state’s continued growth, according to Clemson University economics professor Scott Baier.” 1
A very powerful tool that Greenville, SC has used to spur business growth and job creation is through the use of Public-Private Partnerships. This provides leverage for companies to grow that may not have access to traditional funding, and it reduces the risk for both private lenders and tax payers alike. One of the more recent Public-Private Partnerships can be seen on the 250 acre campus of CUICAR. Clemson Universities International Campus of Automotive Research. This campus hosts BMW Information Technology Research Center, Center for Emerging Technologies, Carroll A. Campbell JR Graduate Engineering Center, Koyo/JTEKT Group. The newest addition to the CUICAR Campus is One Research Drive, four story multi-tenant facility that also houses classroom and laboratory space for the Clemson University Department of Automotive Engineering.
Keep coming back to learn more about how Greenville is leading for job creation in a market rich environment for business growth in the beautiful surroundings of mountains, lakes, streams and mother nature in the Upstate of South Carolina.
1. Coyne, A (2016, January 5) Study: South Carolina remains popular moving destination. Retrieved From: